Monday, November 22, 2010 audience...?

I suppose I never really gave this much thought.  I have been writing for as long as I can remember, and I never really thought about who my target audience was.  I guess I don't have a particular audience in mind.  I merely write because I enjoy it, and it's a great form of release.  I don't focus on a particular genre of any kind-I write fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry.  I suppose I should say that I write for anyone who wants to listen.

I really like the work that I found on the website Literal Latte, and plan on sending some of my work there.  I enjoy reading honest work-meaning, I can tell when it comes from the author's heart and soul, because that is exactly how I write.  If I'm not interested in a particular subject or topic, then I'm not going to put a ton of effort into it.  I only want to write when I feel it is necessary, and when I feel a true connection to something.

I'm not saying that my work is so spectacular that every person of every age, race, sex, etc. is going to want to read it.  But what I am saying, is that I don't specifically write for young girls, or older women, or teachers.  I write for you. I write for me.  I write for those who hate to write.  I write for those who love to write.

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