Sunday, November 28, 2010

Reflective Analysis Start

            I feel as though I had somewhat of a clear understanding of what creative non- fiction writing was when I first entered this class, but I now know that it entails so much more.  I had originally thought that there was not much to creative non fiction-just use the imagination.  While that is a necessary tool, one must learn how to develop ideas and assess them in order to make the reader want to actually read what is in front of them. 
In just about 3 months, I feel that my writing has changed because I have a better understanding now of the elements that go into a successful creative non-fiction piece.  Being an honest writer is crucial when writing this particular type of genre.  If the audience does not feel truth and honesty within the work, then are going to be put off and disregard the writing altogether.  A connection between the writer and the reader is also extremely important.  The audience wants to be able to empathize with what they are reading.  Months ago, I never would be able to tell the difference between an “I” and “Eye” essay. 
            Like many others, I feel that I have a stronger connection with the “I” essays.  I think that they came more naturally to me, most likely because it was coming from my own heart and mind.  Personal experiences, I feel, are much easier to express under most conditions.  I unintentionally learned more about myself through these writings, and realized just how much I have grown personally and emotionally.
            Writing has always been a great release for me, and this particular kind of writing is no different.  A great amount of pressure was released while confronting my emotions regarding certain things in my “I” essays.  Though there is still some tweaking that needs to be done, I am very proud of tackling the personal discussions within those works.  For instance, in my first “I” essay, I discussed my experience with my brother’s illness.  Without even realizing it, I confronted my emotions like I never had before, and made it known that I was angry that no one asked ME how I was doing during that time.  Normally, I would be mortified to write something like that, but because of the way I wrote it, I realized it was okay.
           I am not entirely sure who my audience is, or who I want to direct my future work towards. I am not writing for anyone in particular.  I’m not sure if this it is a bad thing, writing without an agenda, but I feel that if there is someone out there meant to discover my work, then it will happen.  

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